Starting from Small Things

 Alhamdulillah, I'm currently trying to write regularly, Insya Allah, one post a day. Hopefully I can be consistent in the future.

Photo by Ivan Samkov

The topic I want to discuss this time is about how we start something. Do we have to start with something "grand" or "amazing" first, or can we start with something small? So, the important thing is to just start, right?

I feel like I'm the type of person who is a perfectionist, who won't start if the preparation isn't perfect. So, it's better not to start than to start but not be ready. So, the point is, I'm afraid before I start.

My focus is on planning as well and as detailed as possible, and only then take action after it's okay. Planning here for me is a way to overcome the fear of something uncertain.

After thinking about it, I'm afraid of being criticized and judged. If the results are bad, I'm afraid of being ridiculed and considered a useless person.

But the funny thing is, I've been judged and belittled after doing my best and even in my opinion it was my best version. If doing your best with a great plan produces the best results, this incident wouldn't be possible, right?

So I think, the effort used to do my best is not small and is greater than starting from something small first, and I feel it's not fair if I've done my best but I'm still belittled like that.

As a result, I'm trying to conclude that doing your best with high effort before starting something may not necessarily produce better results than starting from something small first.

So, at least if you start small, the expectations are not too high and you will be more open to receiving criticism and improving yourself from there.

So, I'm trying to learn by just starting, and trying to think that getting things done is better than doing them perfectly.

That's all for my writing today. Hehe.

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